The Center for Youth Development and Intervention
Selected Conference Presentations
Center members designated with bold text; graduate students designated with + symbol
abct_ak_2024.pdfKalinyak, A.C., Pflaum, A.L., White, S.W., & Mazefsky, C. (2024) Examining the relationship between autistic burnout and depression [poster presentation]. To be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 58th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Golt, J.+, Birnschein, A.M.+, Mazefsky, C.A., White, S.W. (2024, November). Parent-child agreement on emotion-based measures in autistic youth. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Golt, J.+, Birnschein, A.M.+, Mazefsky, C.A., White, S.W. (2024, November). Parent-child agreement on emotion-based measures in autistic youth. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Brewe, A.M., McClain, A.B., Powell, N., & White, S.W. (2023, November). Feasibility and Acceptability during Community Implementation of the Stepped Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Success Program (STEPS). Poster submitted to the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 57th Annual Convention in Seattle, WA.
Friedman, N.R.+, Agboola, T., Burrell, S., Powell, N., Bui, C., Hudnall, M., Carlson, C., White, S.W. (2023, November). Use of a community-based participatory research approach to develop an internet-based consultation and networking platform (i-CAN) for increasing use of CBT among youth mental health providers. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting in Seattle, WA.
Golt, J.+, Bradley, M., Corbett, B.A., Lerner, M., White, S.W. (2023, November). Assessing gender diversity among autistic children by self report and parent report: A replication and expansion of current research. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Golt, J.+, Brewe, A.B.+, White S.W., Stoppelbein, L. (2022, November). Autism symptom severity serves as primary predictor of early diagnosis in conjunction with race, SES, and rurality. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting in New York, NY.
Friedman, N.R.+, Hudac, C.M., Riek, N.T., Susam, B., Akcakaya, M., Gable, P., Wilhelm, R., Conner, C.M, Mazefsky, C., White, S.W. (2022, November). Neural Correlates of Attention During Frustration Induction Correspond to Emotion Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting in New York, NY.
Golt, J.+, McRae, E., & Stoppelbein, L. (2022, May). The role of parental stress as a predictor for limit setting in families of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster Presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2022 Annual Convention, Austin, TX.
Simmons, G.L.+, Ollendick, T.H., & White, S.W. (2022, May). Social cognition and social anxiety in neurodevelopmental disorders. Poster Presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2022 Annual Convention, Austin, TX.
White, S.W. (2021, October). Supporting adolescents and young adults with autism to achieve independence. Presented at the North Georgia Autism Conference.
Golt, J.+, Mazefsky, C.A., White, S.W. (2021, May). Measuring functional deficits in relation to emotion regulation problems in autism spectrum disorders using the CAFAS. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Virtual meeting.
Simmons, G.L.+, Laird, R.D., Lerner, M.D., Corbett, B. A., & White, S.W. (2020, November). In pursuit of the golden egg: Utility of difference scores in an observational social skills assessment. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference, Online conference due to COVID-19.
Brewe, A.B.+, Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & White, S.W. (2020, May). Depression as a Secondary Outcome of STEPS, a College Transition Support Program for Students with Autism. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. *Conference went to an online platform due to COVID-19.
Brewe, A.M.+, Mazefsky, C., & White, S. W. (2020, November). Therapeutic Alliance Formation in Autism: The Importance of Strong Relationship-Building Early in Treatment. In E. Kang (Chair), Therapeutic Alliance in Treatments for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Symposium accepted to the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Loannou, S. Smith, J.V., Corbett, B.A., Lerner, M.D. & White, S.W. (2020, June). The CASS: Utility of an Observational Social Skill Assessment as a Measure of Social Cognition. Poster Presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2020 Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Southern, B., Healy, M., McRae, E. M., & Stoppelbein, L. (2020, February). Hardiness as a protective factor against parenting stress in families of children with ASD. Poster presented at the annual Alabama Autism Conference. Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Brewe, A.B.+, Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & White, S.W. (2020, May). Depression as a Secondary Outcome of STEPS, a College Transition Support Program for Students with Autism. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. *Conference went to an online platform due to COVID-19.
Brewe, A.M.+, Mazefsky, C., & White, S. W. (2020, November). Therapeutic Alliance Formation in Autism: The Importance of Strong Relationship-Building Early in Treatment. In E. Kang (Chair), Therapeutic Alliance in Treatments for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Symposium accepted to the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Loannou, S. Smith, J.V., Corbett, B.A., Lerner, M.D. & White, S.W. (2020, June). The CASS: Utility of an Observational Social Skill Assessment as a Measure of Social Cognition. Poster Presentation at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) 2020 Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Southern, B., Healy, M., McRae, E. M., & Stoppelbein, L. (2020, February). Hardiness as a protective factor against parenting stress in families of children with ASD. Poster presented at the annual Alabama Autism Conference. Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Bauer, R.H.+, Gilpin A.T., Farrell, C.B.+, Nancarrow, A.F.+, & Loveland, M. Fantasy orientation and self-regulation: Does self-regulation differ for fantasy oriented preschoolers in a classroom context? Poster presented at: Cognitive Development Society Meeting: 2019 October 17-19; Louisville, KY.
Brewe, A.B.+, Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & White, S.W. (2019, May). Sluggish cognitive tempo profiles among young adults with ASD. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Brewe, A.B.+, Mazefsky, C., & White, S.W. (2019, November). Therapeutic Alliance and Its Relationship to Treatment Outcomes in Autism. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Brewe, A.B.+, Simmons, G.L.+, & White, S.W. (2019, February). Improving emotion regulation in ASD and client-therapist alliance as a predictor of change: The Emotional Awareness and Skills Enhancement (EASE) program. Poster presented at the Alabama Autism Conference (AAC), Tuscaloosa, AL.
Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Ollendick, T.H., & White, S.W. (2019, November). Associations between social anxiety severity and visual attention towards eye regions of emotional faces: Insights from eye-tracking. Poster accepted to be presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
DeCaro J. A., Boxmeyer, C. L., Gilpin, A. T., Lochman, J. E., Nancarrow, A. F.+, & Farrell, C.B.+ (2019, March) Power PATH: Integrated two-generation intervention for Head Start children and families.Paper symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Farrell, C.B.,+ Gilpin, A.T., Nancarrow, A.F., & Bauer, R. (2019, March) Self-Regulation’s Role in Deception Detection and Theory of Mind. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Farrell, C.B.,+ Gilpin, A.T., Thibodeau, R.B., Nancarrow, A.F., Brown, M.M., & Pierruci, J. (2019, March) Child Imagination Questionnaire: Individual Differences in Fantasy Orientation and Assessing Relations with Cognitive Development.Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Gilpin, A., De Caro, J., Boxmeyer, C., & Lochman, J. (March, 2019). Power PATH: Integrated two-generation intervention for Head Start children and families. Paper presented in a symposium (A. Gilpin, Chair) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Kumar, D., Santore, L.A., Kang, E., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & Lerner, M.D. (2019, May). Differing anxiety levels in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and both diagnoses. Poster accepted to be presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Lochman, J. E. (April, 2019). Implementation of a Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Aggressive Children: Variation in Response. Invited Colloquium presented in Department of Psychology, St. John’s University, Queens, NY.
Lochman, J.E. (April, 2019). Career development and history of Anger Coping and Coping Power. Invited presentation, Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Lochman, J.E. (April, 2019). Optimizing interventions for children with aggressive behavior problems. Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
McCormick, B. F.+, Connolly, E. J., & Nelson, D. (2019). Investigating the mediating influence of deviant peers on the association between mild traumatic brain injury and delinquency. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA , 2019.
McCormick, B. F.,+ Connolly, E. J., & Nelson, D. (2019). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury as a Unique Predictor of Latent Classes of Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
Nancarrow, A.+, Gilpin, A., Lochman, J., DeCaro, J., Boxmeyer, C. (March, 2019). Children’s emotion regulation moderates parent well-being and child victimization: Contributions of family and community factors. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Simmons, G.L.+ (2019, November). Participatory Action in Research (PAR): Building interventions from the ground up. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Ollendick. T. & White, S.W. (2019, November). Social cognition and social anxiety as predictors of functional impairment in youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 53rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, J., Simmons, G.L+., Corbett, B., Lerner, M.D., White, S.W. (2019, November). To adhere or to not adhere: The importance of standardized confederate behavior. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, J.,+ Simmons, G.L.+, White, S.W. (2019, April). Creation of behavioral codes for a social interaction task (CASS). Poster Presentation at The University of Alabama’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference (URCA), Tuscaloosa, AL.
Thibodeau, R., Gilpin, A., De Caro, J., Farrell, C.+, & Lochman, J. (March, 2019). Pretend-Play as a protective factor for executive function and school readiness outcomes in Head Start. Paper presented in a symposium (A. Gilpin, Chair) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Brewe, A.B.+, Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & White, S.W. (2019, May). Sluggish cognitive tempo profiles among young adults with ASD. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Brewe, A.B.+, Mazefsky, C., & White, S.W. (2019, November). Therapeutic Alliance and Its Relationship to Treatment Outcomes in Autism. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Brewe, A.B.+, Simmons, G.L.+, & White, S.W. (2019, February). Improving emotion regulation in ASD and client-therapist alliance as a predictor of change: The Emotional Awareness and Skills Enhancement (EASE) program. Poster presented at the Alabama Autism Conference (AAC), Tuscaloosa, AL.
Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Ollendick, T.H., & White, S.W. (2019, November). Associations between social anxiety severity and visual attention towards eye regions of emotional faces: Insights from eye-tracking. Poster accepted to be presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
DeCaro J. A., Boxmeyer, C. L., Gilpin, A. T., Lochman, J. E., Nancarrow, A. F.+, & Farrell, C.B.+ (2019, March) Power PATH: Integrated two-generation intervention for Head Start children and families.Paper symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Farrell, C.B.,+ Gilpin, A.T., Nancarrow, A.F., & Bauer, R. (2019, March) Self-Regulation’s Role in Deception Detection and Theory of Mind. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Farrell, C.B.,+ Gilpin, A.T., Thibodeau, R.B., Nancarrow, A.F., Brown, M.M., & Pierruci, J. (2019, March) Child Imagination Questionnaire: Individual Differences in Fantasy Orientation and Assessing Relations with Cognitive Development.Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Gilpin, A., De Caro, J., Boxmeyer, C., & Lochman, J. (March, 2019). Power PATH: Integrated two-generation intervention for Head Start children and families. Paper presented in a symposium (A. Gilpin, Chair) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Kumar, D., Santore, L.A., Kang, E., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & Lerner, M.D. (2019, May). Differing anxiety levels in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and both diagnoses. Poster accepted to be presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Lochman, J. E. (April, 2019). Implementation of a Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Aggressive Children: Variation in Response. Invited Colloquium presented in Department of Psychology, St. John’s University, Queens, NY.
Lochman, J.E. (April, 2019). Career development and history of Anger Coping and Coping Power. Invited presentation, Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Lochman, J.E. (April, 2019). Optimizing interventions for children with aggressive behavior problems. Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
McCormick, B. F.+, Connolly, E. J., & Nelson, D. (2019). Investigating the mediating influence of deviant peers on the association between mild traumatic brain injury and delinquency. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA , 2019.
McCormick, B. F.,+ Connolly, E. J., & Nelson, D. (2019). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury as a Unique Predictor of Latent Classes of Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
Nancarrow, A.+, Gilpin, A., Lochman, J., DeCaro, J., Boxmeyer, C. (March, 2019). Children’s emotion regulation moderates parent well-being and child victimization: Contributions of family and community factors. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Simmons, G.L.+ (2019, November). Participatory Action in Research (PAR): Building interventions from the ground up. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Ollendick. T. & White, S.W. (2019, November). Social cognition and social anxiety as predictors of functional impairment in youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 53rd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, J., Simmons, G.L+., Corbett, B., Lerner, M.D., White, S.W. (2019, November). To adhere or to not adhere: The importance of standardized confederate behavior. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Expo, Atlanta, GA.
Smith, J.,+ Simmons, G.L.+, White, S.W. (2019, April). Creation of behavioral codes for a social interaction task (CASS). Poster Presentation at The University of Alabama’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference (URCA), Tuscaloosa, AL.
Thibodeau, R., Gilpin, A., De Caro, J., Farrell, C.+, & Lochman, J. (March, 2019). Pretend-Play as a protective factor for executive function and school readiness outcomes in Head Start. Paper presented in a symposium (A. Gilpin, Chair) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Abel, M., Vernberg, E., McDonald, K., Powell, N., & Lochman, J.E. (2018, April). The impact of a devastating tornado on the trajectory of parenting behaviors among at-risk youth pre- to post-disaster. Presentation in a symposium (K. McDonald, Chair) at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Abel, M.R., Vernberg, E.M., Lochman, J.E., Hendrickson, M.L., & McDonald, K. (2018, October). Parent-adolescent co-reminiscing about a devastating tornado: Association with enduring anxiety. Poster presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, Kansas.
Abel, M.A., Vernberg, E.M., Lochman, J.E., Hendrickson, M.L., & McDonald, K. (November, 2018). Making meaning out of a devastating tornado: Caregiver acknowledgement and long-term your post-traumatic stress symptoms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington DC.
Boxmeyer, C., Miller, S. Henkin, H., Romero, D., Bishiop, H., Lochman, J. & Williams, J. (November, 2018). Effects of leader mindfulness in a randomized trial of Mindful Coping Power. Paper presentation at the 2018 International Symposium for Contemplative Research. Phoenix, AZ.
Boxmeyer, C., Miller, S. Henkin, H., Romero, D., Bishiop, H., Lochman, J. & Williams, J. (November, 2018). Developing an observational system for coding leader mindfulness. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual CCHS Research and Scholarly Activity Day. Tuscaloosa, AL.
Brewe, A.+, Hogan, A., Knott, C., & Roberts, J.E. (2018, May) Vagal Tone as a Predictor of Separation Anxiety in Preschoolers at Elevated Risk for ASD. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Miyazaki, Y., White, S.W., & Ollendick, T.H. (2018, June). Longitudinal effects of attention bias modification treatment on social anxiety symptoms. Poster presented at the 2nd Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) Future Directions Forum.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2018, June). Relationships between facial emotion recognition, internalizing symptoms, and social problems in young children. Poster presented at Future Directions Forum for the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Washington DC.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2018, November). The Multidimensional Psychopathy Construct: Unique Associations between Psychopathy Dimensions, Empathy, and Disruptive Behavior in Young Children. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington DC.
Goulter, N., McMahon, R.J., Pasalich, D.S., Dodge, K.A., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (2018, May). Do parental harsh punishment and parental warmth mediate the effect of the Fast Track intervention on adolescent and adult antisocial outcomes? Poster presented, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Heilman, M.+, Delk, L., & White, B. (2018, June) The role of facial emotion recognition in the relationship between empathy
and callous-unemotional behaviors in young children. Poster presented at the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Future Directions Forum, Washington, DC.
Heilman, M.+, Powell, N., Jones, S., Qu, L., Lochman, J., & White, B. A. (2018, November). Expanding the Reach of Coping Power: Piloting an Internet-based Aggression Prevention Program for Youth. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, DC.
Lochman, J.E. (November, 2018). Anger Coping Program: Conceptual model and activities. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana School Psychological Association. Lafayette, LA.
Lochman, J.E. (November, 2018). Coping Power: Outcomes and activities with youth and parents. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana School Psychological Association. Lafayette, LA.
Lochman, J.E. & Jones, S. (2018, January). Anger and irritability in oppositional children, and ways to enhance emotional regulation. Presentation made in the 10th Annual Southeast Regional ADHD Conference, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, March). Best practices for the treatment of disruptive behavior disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, March). Grant review process. Invited seminar in The Junior Investigators Program, College of Community Health Sciences, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Lochman, J.E., & Jones, S. (2018, April). Implementation of an evidence-based program for aggressive children: Dissemination and variations in response. Workshop presented at the annual Blueprints Conference, Westminster, CO.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, June). Disruptive Behavior Problems: New Perspectives for Intervention. Presentation in conference sponsored by the School of Specialization in Cognitive Psychotherapy of Naples, Naples, Italy.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, June). The Coping Power model: Applications in clinical and school contexts. Seminar sponsored by the Stella Maris Fondazione Mediterraneo, Matera, Italy.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, August). Discussant in symposium (J.E. Lochman & Y. Yato, Co-Chairs), Family relationships and children’s development in China, at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Understanding Disruptive Behavior Disorders in children and adolescents. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Coping Power: Cognitive-behavioral intervention model with children with aggressive behavior problems. Invited presentation at the Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance Fall Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Teaching skills to support child clients with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Teaching skills to support adolescent clients with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E., Glenn, A., Dishion, T., Powell, N., Boxmeyer, C., Kassing, F., Qu, L., & Romero, D. (2018, June). Autonomic Nervous System predictors of aggressive preadolescents’ response to group versus individual intervention formats through a four-year follow-up. Presentation in a symposium (D, Shaw, Chair) at the Biennial Conference of the Life History Research Society, Paris, France.
Lochman, J., Mewes, C., Reed, L., Szulcewski, G., Thompson, G. (October, 2018). Invited participant on Expert Panel, First Awardee Luncheon, University of Alabama Office for Research and Economic Development, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Miller, S., Boxmeyer, C.L., Lochman, J.E., Romero, D., Powell, N., & Jones, S. (2018, May). Optimizing the Coping Power preventive intervention for children with reactive aggression by integrating mindfulness. Paper presented in a symposium (S. Miller, Chair), Effectiveness studies of mindfulness with children, parents, and teachers, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Mitchell, Q.P., Lochman, J.E., Vernberg, E.M., Powell, N., Younginer, T., & Qu, L. (2018, April). The role of gender as a moderator of therapeutic alliance for aggressive adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Muskett, A.E., Albright, J., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & Scarpa-Friedman, A. (2018, June). Insistence on sameness and self-injury: Potential assessment tools of co-occurring symptoms among youth with ASD. Poster presented at the 2nd Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) Future Directions Forum.
Nancarrow, A. F.+, Gilpin, A. T., Boxmeyer, C., DeCaro, J. A., & Lochman, J. (2018, June). Disentangling community and family effects on Head Start parent and family outcomes. Poster presented at the Administration for Children and Families National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Sobecky, P., Nambisan, S., Lochman, J., & Callaghan, W. (2018, April). Getting to know you: UA Research Institute Directors. Presented in Workshop (J. Higginbotham, Chair) at the Shattering the STEM Ceiling Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Simmons, G.L.+, Smith, I.C. & White, S.W. (2018, June). Loneliness and implicit social competence in adults with Autism. Poster Presentation at Future Directions Forum (FDF) sponsored by the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Washington, DC.
Simmons, G.L.+ & White, S.W. (2018, November). Deconstructing the SRS-2-A: Discrepant parent and child reports in adults and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, Washington, DC; (2019; February) Poster Presentation at The University of Alabama’s Graduate Student Annual Poster Symposium (GAPS), Tuscaloosa, AL.
White, S.W., Smith, I., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Elias, R.E., Conner, C.M. (2018, November). Improving college outcomes among college students with Autism. Paper accepted to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Pre-Conference Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Abel, M.R., Vernberg, E.M., Lochman, J.E., Hendrickson, M.L., & McDonald, K. (2018, October). Parent-adolescent co-reminiscing about a devastating tornado: Association with enduring anxiety. Poster presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, Kansas.
Abel, M.A., Vernberg, E.M., Lochman, J.E., Hendrickson, M.L., & McDonald, K. (November, 2018). Making meaning out of a devastating tornado: Caregiver acknowledgement and long-term your post-traumatic stress symptoms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington DC.
Boxmeyer, C., Miller, S. Henkin, H., Romero, D., Bishiop, H., Lochman, J. & Williams, J. (November, 2018). Effects of leader mindfulness in a randomized trial of Mindful Coping Power. Paper presentation at the 2018 International Symposium for Contemplative Research. Phoenix, AZ.
Boxmeyer, C., Miller, S. Henkin, H., Romero, D., Bishiop, H., Lochman, J. & Williams, J. (November, 2018). Developing an observational system for coding leader mindfulness. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual CCHS Research and Scholarly Activity Day. Tuscaloosa, AL.
Brewe, A.+, Hogan, A., Knott, C., & Roberts, J.E. (2018, May) Vagal Tone as a Predictor of Separation Anxiety in Preschoolers at Elevated Risk for ASD. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Miyazaki, Y., White, S.W., & Ollendick, T.H. (2018, June). Longitudinal effects of attention bias modification treatment on social anxiety symptoms. Poster presented at the 2nd Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) Future Directions Forum.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2018, June). Relationships between facial emotion recognition, internalizing symptoms, and social problems in young children. Poster presented at Future Directions Forum for the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Washington DC.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2018, November). The Multidimensional Psychopathy Construct: Unique Associations between Psychopathy Dimensions, Empathy, and Disruptive Behavior in Young Children. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington DC.
Goulter, N., McMahon, R.J., Pasalich, D.S., Dodge, K.A., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (2018, May). Do parental harsh punishment and parental warmth mediate the effect of the Fast Track intervention on adolescent and adult antisocial outcomes? Poster presented, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Heilman, M.+, Delk, L., & White, B. (2018, June) The role of facial emotion recognition in the relationship between empathy
and callous-unemotional behaviors in young children. Poster presented at the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Future Directions Forum, Washington, DC.
Heilman, M.+, Powell, N., Jones, S., Qu, L., Lochman, J., & White, B. A. (2018, November). Expanding the Reach of Coping Power: Piloting an Internet-based Aggression Prevention Program for Youth. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, DC.
Lochman, J.E. (November, 2018). Anger Coping Program: Conceptual model and activities. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana School Psychological Association. Lafayette, LA.
Lochman, J.E. (November, 2018). Coping Power: Outcomes and activities with youth and parents. Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Louisiana School Psychological Association. Lafayette, LA.
Lochman, J.E. & Jones, S. (2018, January). Anger and irritability in oppositional children, and ways to enhance emotional regulation. Presentation made in the 10th Annual Southeast Regional ADHD Conference, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, March). Best practices for the treatment of disruptive behavior disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, March). Grant review process. Invited seminar in The Junior Investigators Program, College of Community Health Sciences, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Lochman, J.E., & Jones, S. (2018, April). Implementation of an evidence-based program for aggressive children: Dissemination and variations in response. Workshop presented at the annual Blueprints Conference, Westminster, CO.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, June). Disruptive Behavior Problems: New Perspectives for Intervention. Presentation in conference sponsored by the School of Specialization in Cognitive Psychotherapy of Naples, Naples, Italy.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, June). The Coping Power model: Applications in clinical and school contexts. Seminar sponsored by the Stella Maris Fondazione Mediterraneo, Matera, Italy.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, August). Discussant in symposium (J.E. Lochman & Y. Yato, Co-Chairs), Family relationships and children’s development in China, at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Understanding Disruptive Behavior Disorders in children and adolescents. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Coping Power: Cognitive-behavioral intervention model with children with aggressive behavior problems. Invited presentation at the Tuscaloosa Mental Health Alliance Fall Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Teaching skills to support child clients with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E. (2018, October). Teaching skills to support adolescent clients with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Webinar sponsored by the REACH Institute, New York NY.
Lochman, J.E., Glenn, A., Dishion, T., Powell, N., Boxmeyer, C., Kassing, F., Qu, L., & Romero, D. (2018, June). Autonomic Nervous System predictors of aggressive preadolescents’ response to group versus individual intervention formats through a four-year follow-up. Presentation in a symposium (D, Shaw, Chair) at the Biennial Conference of the Life History Research Society, Paris, France.
Lochman, J., Mewes, C., Reed, L., Szulcewski, G., Thompson, G. (October, 2018). Invited participant on Expert Panel, First Awardee Luncheon, University of Alabama Office for Research and Economic Development, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Miller, S., Boxmeyer, C.L., Lochman, J.E., Romero, D., Powell, N., & Jones, S. (2018, May). Optimizing the Coping Power preventive intervention for children with reactive aggression by integrating mindfulness. Paper presented in a symposium (S. Miller, Chair), Effectiveness studies of mindfulness with children, parents, and teachers, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Mitchell, Q.P., Lochman, J.E., Vernberg, E.M., Powell, N., Younginer, T., & Qu, L. (2018, April). The role of gender as a moderator of therapeutic alliance for aggressive adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Muskett, A.E., Albright, J., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, & Scarpa-Friedman, A. (2018, June). Insistence on sameness and self-injury: Potential assessment tools of co-occurring symptoms among youth with ASD. Poster presented at the 2nd Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) Future Directions Forum.
Nancarrow, A. F.+, Gilpin, A. T., Boxmeyer, C., DeCaro, J. A., & Lochman, J. (2018, June). Disentangling community and family effects on Head Start parent and family outcomes. Poster presented at the Administration for Children and Families National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Sobecky, P., Nambisan, S., Lochman, J., & Callaghan, W. (2018, April). Getting to know you: UA Research Institute Directors. Presented in Workshop (J. Higginbotham, Chair) at the Shattering the STEM Ceiling Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Simmons, G.L.+, Smith, I.C. & White, S.W. (2018, June). Loneliness and implicit social competence in adults with Autism. Poster Presentation at Future Directions Forum (FDF) sponsored by the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Washington, DC.
Simmons, G.L.+ & White, S.W. (2018, November). Deconstructing the SRS-2-A: Discrepant parent and child reports in adults and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, Washington, DC; (2019; February) Poster Presentation at The University of Alabama’s Graduate Student Annual Poster Symposium (GAPS), Tuscaloosa, AL.
White, S.W., Smith, I., Capriola-Hall, N.N.+, Elias, R.E., Conner, C.M. (2018, November). Improving college outcomes among college students with Autism. Paper accepted to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, Autism Spectrum and Developmental Disorders Special Interest Group Pre-Conference Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Brown, C.E.+, Gilpin, A.T., Thibodeau, R.B., & Nancarrow, A.F.+ (2017, October) The Foundations of Lie Telling and Lie Detection. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2017, November). Examining “Fear Blindness” in Young Children: The Interplay of Callousness and Fearfulness. Poster presented at the 51st Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Fransisco, CA.
Efferson, L.+ & Glenn, A. (2017, November). Psychopathy and Detection of Insincere Facial Expressions. Presented at American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Heilman, M.+, Delk, L., & White, B. (2017, November). Does PICTS-L work the same in women and men, and account for psychopathic risk for aggression? Poster presented at the 51st Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Smith, I.C. & White, S.W. (2017, November). Presentation of depression and its effect on quality of life in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Dede, B.+, Delk, L., White, B.A. (2017, November). Examining “Fear Blindness” in Young Children: The Interplay of Callousness and Fearfulness. Poster presented at the 51st Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Fransisco, CA.
Efferson, L.+ & Glenn, A. (2017, November). Psychopathy and Detection of Insincere Facial Expressions. Presented at American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Heilman, M.+, Delk, L., & White, B. (2017, November). Does PICTS-L work the same in women and men, and account for psychopathic risk for aggression? Poster presented at the 51st Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.
Simmons, G.L.+, Smith, I.C. & White, S.W. (2017, November). Presentation of depression and its effect on quality of life in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster Presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.